Michaela Gordon


Unlock your child’s lifelong potential through occupational therapy services. Whether you’re well-versed in OT or just beginning to explore its benefits, this comprehensive information will help you decide if it’s right for your child.

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My Latest Adventures

Lessons From Zoey

Lessons From Zoey By Michaela Gordon, OTR/L If you asked me 3 years ago if I would be an author, I would have most definitely have said, “No way!” It started very innocently. A child I was…

How We See Changes Everything!

How We See Changes Everything! By Michaela Gordon, OTR/L Contributing Author, Dr. Felicia Lew If this is the case, what activities are our children and teens doing on a daily basis? How are they using…

Progress Through Partnership

    Deciding to start occupational therapy services with your child can feeloverwhelming. It takes a great amount of trust in the therapist and the process.We are talking about your child’s life…

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